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Modeling to a Higher Standard

Our Layouts

Utah Free-mo is a group of modelers building HO modules. Individual group members bring their modules together to form a large layout that is realisticly operated. The layout is run in a point-to-point fashion. It is never our intention to form a large loop to run trains in a continuous circle.

The group is following the modular standards developed by All standards, including the 50 inch height, wiring, etc are strictly adhered to in an effort to insure that our modules are compatible with others that are being built by clubs in other western states, and nationally. Our group has participated in numberous multiple-group layouts in Utah, California, Colorado, and Arizona, creating large layouts for significant shows and conventions. The concept behind Free Mo railroading isn't a new idea. The concept originated in in Europe where they have been building modular layouts using this Free modular concept for some time.

The Layouts

Since the layout is modular it can take on many shapes and sized to fit the space. Below are the diagrams of many of the shows we have attended. As you scroll down you can see the growth of the group as new modules and participants from othe groups have allowed us to set up more complex layouts.

November 2002

March 2003

November 2003


January 2004

March 2004

November 2004

January 2005

March 2005

September 2005

November 2005

January 2006

March 2006

November 2006

November 2007

More detailed information about the layouts set up at specific shows has been posted on the Show Page . As you can see from the diagrams, our layout has grown significantly over this time period as new modules have been built. Since 2007 Utah Free-mo members have setup their modules in conjunction with other groups. Size constraints and other issues have kept the group from setting up frequently at local shows. However, the group has set up at the Evanston Roundhouse Festival in 2011, Worlds Greatest Hobby Show in Sandy, UT in 2012

Memorial Day 2010

Evanston Roundhouse Festival 2011

World's Greatest Hobby, Sandy UT 2012

Evanston Roundhouse Festival 2012

Our Modules

Below is a table of the current modules built and owned by Utah Free-mo members.

Photo Module Name Owner Description

Faust Mike Nelson Constructed by Ted York, this three module 90 degree corner set is currently owned by Mike NElson. Passing siding with no. 8 turnouts. MOW or Bad order set out track. Turnout control is push rod. Based on a prototypical location on the Union Pacifics mainline between Salt Lake and Los Angeles.
Smokey Point Yard This is a five module set double ended yard. Mainline and siding on the outside (soutside). Twelve storage tracks. Short switch leads at each end. Team track and freight transfer facility and locomotive shops under construction. Locomotive ready tracks along side both throats. Fully Free-mo compliant. Turnout Control is push rod. Built by Russ Ridgeway and Sterling Moore with assistance from other group members.
Crescent Flat Bill Schlotthauer Four modules make up this module set that features a siding, spur and junction with a branchline. Based upon Brendel, Utah where the Rio Grande's Cane Creek Branch (to the Potash Plant outside Moab) joins the Mainline.
Summit Mike Nelson A nine module turning loop with a 13 foot diameter. The track was recently rebuilt to a five track staging yard and the modules were resceniced. The loop is comprised of 4 straight modules and four modules with 45 degree angles at the ends. The lenght of the straight modules was chosen to fit the trailer Mike uses to haul the modules. The track interfaces of the modules require that the loop be kept together as a set.
Turnout control on the main and sidings will be Lameco switch motors controlled by a DS54 stationary decoder as well a toggle mounted in a recessed opening in the facia. Mike uses hinges to line the modules together as well as a unique hinge system for the legs of the straight modules.
Sphynx Mike Nelson A five module passing siding set.
Wash Sterling Moore/Wasatch Free-mo This is a 45 degree corner built to Jim Moore's plan. Jim Moore built the famework and Adam Eastman built the remainder of the module. It features a single track maninline running thought scenery. The mainline passes over two culverts an through a deep cut. The scenery is made using "Glue Shell." Traditional cardboard strips were covered with cheesecloth. Blue shop towels (paper) were then dipped in a dilluted white glue mixtures and laid over the cheesecloth. The method produced a strong and light scenery base that Adam covered using traditional methods. The module has been owned by Adam, Blaine Hadfield and Sterling Moore.

Sterling Sterling Moore/ Wasatch Free-mo Two five foot modules make up this module set. Each module has a 6 inch bump out to accommodate the structures. The module set features a siding as well as industrial trackage for the Champion Meat Packing Company, the adjacent cattle pens and other industries.

Legacy Modules Some of the additional modules owned by former members and others which have participated in previous Utah Free-mo layouts.
Photo Module Name Owner/Group Description
Intermountain Farmers Dave Winkler State Road 89 passes over the railroad on this four foot module which features a single track mainline and an industrial spur which serves a regional agricultural supply business, the Intermountain Farmers Association (IFA). The module also utilizes Lee Valley folding leg hardware.
Greg New Module #1 Greg Mac A three foot module with a single track mainline. A highway crosses the mainline in this rural town. Main Street fronts the trackage.
Thompson Springs Bob Rogers Built by Adam Eastman, this is a two module 90 degree corner featuring a 42 inch curve. To save space the modules are designed to be used together. The set is built with a continuous curve and contoured scenery where the module join. Depicting a generic rural farm area of Utah, Thompson Creek passes through one module through a culvert bridge. Highway 89 crosses the main on the other module with pastures and fields surrounding the creek and road. This module has been retired after being sold to different owners.
Spanish Fork Dave Spritke/ Retired Two four foot modules make this set. A short siding allows easier switching of the several industries to be located on this module set. This inspiration for this module is the town of Spanish Fork Utah. While the track plan is free lanced. The station and industries are modeled after structures in the town. Dave moved from Utah in 2005. The module is now a part of Dave's home layout.

The group is currently following a set of Policies and Procedures concerning club organization, module, scenery and rolling stock standards. Additionally, the group has established guidelines for membership. These steps are being taken to promote and insure better operation of the layout. This subsequently will promote and insure harmony within the group and, the enjoyment of each group member. Rules and policies for the group may be added or changed as the group deems necessary.

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© Utah Free-moApril 2014